
And now for something completely different

A news update from us that actually contains some news.

As of earlier this month, Mourning Beloveth has studio time booked to start the recording of what will eventually become the 5th MB album.
As anyone who follows our infrequent updates over the last 24 months will be well aware, we have been entrenched in our rehearsal room for what seems like an eternity working on this project. It has not been an easy gestation, nor did we expect it to be.

So as of the 15th of October next, we will be making the trek over to Foel Studios to drive ourselves to the point of emotional distress and physical meltdown and wrestle this material into existence. What the end result will be, we have really no definite idea.
It will be us, but not as we know it.

With a tentative working title of “Formless”, the 5th MB album will be our 1st with guitarist Pauric, our 1st to be born in the unfamiliar surrounds of a new studio, our 1st to feature the artwork of the extremely talented Mr. Peter Rees and our 3rd for German label GRAU.

For all those who have been waiting such a long time for this announcement, all we can say is that we appreciate your patience and support.
It will be worth the wait.

This past month also saw us break our self imposed exile from the stage, with our headlining show at the first anniversary celebrations of our comrades at Into the Void Records.
It was a fantastic event, and one we were delighted to be apart of. So here’s to the successful future of ITV and all they stand for. Buy Stuff.

And on the subject of buying stuff, this month also saw the long awaited release of our 4th album, A Disease for the Ages, on heavy double vinyl, again on GRAU. It looks fantastic, sounds immense and is limited to 500 worldwide. Be quick or be dead.

Finally, tomorrow we will post a very recent interview conducted with Darren, Frank and Pauric for Metal Ireland. Without doubt the most in-depth and revealing MB interview to date, it sheds a small chink of light into our world, and, for the first time, Darren’s lyrics too. Enjoy…
And so it begins…